Friday, April 3, 2009


OK that's it....I am taking a stand! I have to become the mom...not just mommy. See i really do view these two names as two different people.

Mommy: is someone who hugs you, kisses you, fixes your owies. Sings you silly songs, such as my favorite. "hi ho hi ho its of to Deb's we go, for fun and games and time to play hi ho hi ho hi ho" ( deb is our daycare provider)

Mom: is someone who provides you with the support and love you need. Sets the rules and makes you follow them no matter what kind of attitude you my bring with it. Mom's also make a house a home!

Growing up i had/have a mother who could do both at the same time. My mom is AMAZING! That's not just a word i use lightly... she really was. She showed us girls how to love your partner in life no matter what you are going through as a family. Unlike some parents who you don't always know they are "fighting" or disagreeing, we knew but it was always handled lightly and with much care and concern when it came to us girls. So we now know, you do not always get along in your marriage, there are differences and struggles. We also know with work.....sometimes LOTS of work you can get thought it together. My mom is one of those mom's that you can ask where your pink sock was and she could look at you and give you the answer... "under the table in the office".... how it got there we never knew but she always knew and knew where it was! Our house was ALWAYS picked up and clean... everything has its place and reason. Saturday mornings were spent picking up and dusting, doing your house hold chores. IE- vacuuming, dusting, watering plants, folding clothes...
Now my kids are 3 & 4... this part i understand doesn't mean they will get up Saturday and vacuuming, or dusting. But we have established they will be feeding the dogs every night... they do have to put their dishes on the counter for me after supper, help me carry in the groceries.
I have great kids.. the problem is ME! I need to learn to switch modes a little faster from mommy to MOM (can you hear the big burly man saying MOM like i can) :)
I have to remember to work on the following:
  1. stop yelling so much
  2. stick to my guns no matter how tuff it might be
  3. BREATH-- at all moments
  4. and most of all... to give my husband aka daddy a little more credit for his "jobs" around the house!!

Number 4 is a very important one that will make the rest go a little smoother i hope.... I think i forget he does help me .. its just in his own way and on his time. (which is little)

With the kids and being together every night during the week and every weekend ( while daddy works 14hr days) I need to step it up and be MOM -- I know you heard him this time right!!! -- and give them the opportunity to have the same great mom i have!


1 comment:

  1. It's hard to break away to be the MOM, somehow you always find a little Mommy in there somewhere. I can't imagine you anything less than a fabulous Mommy and a superb MOM to be ;)
    Love ya BFF
