Friday, January 30, 2009


So here it is.. some pics from our vacation.. hope you enjoy looking at them as much as i enjoyed taking them! =)

The group we went down with, L-R - Wendy, Derek, Carrie, Leo, Jo Jean, Nicole, Braden, Kami, Mike, Laurie, Kurt, Lisa and Chad! Troy didn't want his pic taken.
This would be all the rings we bought while in Mexico!

Braden and Nicole in Cozmel... this was two blocks from where the boat let us off.. and this was as far as we got in Cozmel. I found a GREAT ring shop and well we never left it =)

Storm coming in...

Thursday, January 29, 2009


If there is one thing I can say about our vacation this past month, it renewed our relationship! I am not sure how it happened nor do I know the exact moment it took place, what I do know is it worked. Braden and I have been married for 7 great years… together for 8. I think just like anything or anyone you get in a rut and everything runs together. You forget how much the little things matter to you. Going away for just over a week was what our relationship needed to shake things up a bit.. I think it came at just the right time! We have finally passed the baby stage at our house.. we are working on the family values with the kids and we are FINALLY starting to get things straightened out money wise. I think as parents we needed to renew that “bond” and remind each other how important the other one is to our little family.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Big Girl City!

Yes that's right... we are now all big kids at our house.
While we were away on vacation my mom and the sitter started working with Taylor on her potty training. ( now note this is something i told her we were doing as soon as i got back) Well as last week went on we kept plugging away at it. Not to speak to soon but we had a flawless weekend... no outfit change in the middle of the day. What excites me the most is she was at jiffy lube, target, and the bank with me. So its not like we were at home were we stopped every 35 min to try.. she had to hold it and tell me ahead of time. i was very proud of her! So as a reward we went and bought 2 new outfits.
Along with being a big girl she now has a "hair do" no more just letting it grow and seeing what it looks like. We went and saw "Cafy" as Taylor calls her this weekend and had her hair cut and shaped. All this on the verge of her 3rd birthday might be a bit much for mommy!
She amazes me everyday what a little girl she is becoming, no more baby Tay at our house. Now she might have a bit of an attitude...hmm wonder where she got that... but i have to say, i am pretty proud of the little lady she is becoming!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Home again!

Hello -- we are back! I do believe we missed the perfect week in Iowa! -27 out actual temp... yes it was much better in Mexico with 82 and rain. Yes rain.. it rained most of our trip but that was fine. I never knew how badly braden and i needed to get away together. ( i am already making plans for another "get away") we had a wonderful time .. i bought some rings, which is what i really wanted while i was down there, braden went diving.. to bad the weather didn't work out for him on that end. I think he still had a great time!
I will upload some pictures soon and share more stories.. glad to be HOME!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Leaving on a jet plane....

Ok today is the day.. kids bags are dropped off at Nana & Papa's ... Passports are in the carry on... our four suitcases are zipped up and next to the door. Floors were mopped at 530 this morning... all laundry is caught up and put away.. WHEEW! We can leave-- =)
Both Braden and i are so very excited to get to warmer weather.... today it was 84 degrees in Mexico and boy am I ready to start enjoying it. I will catch you all up upon my return.
Have a great week guys!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Count Down

Ok so i am no longer going to judge when others do not blog on a daily bases.. sorry BFF. Finding the time to jump on here this past week as been next to impossible. Between work, kids, parties, and laundry i have not made time to keep you all up to date.
Well we are 3 days out from V day--- vacation day---- I am so excited yet so torn. This will be the longest i have left my kiddos. Friday night the 9th to the morning of the 18th... YIKES. I am one who has to talk to my kids daily--- so me being the freak i am and knowing i will not get to talk to them daily, recorded them talking to me on my phone. This way when i get down and start to miss them i can hear them. ( will see if that works or makes it worse) Braden and I so need this get away. He has put in some CRAZY hours in the past couple of months and the just being apart is what has been tuff on me. The rotten thing is i complain all the time about how much he is gone and really he is gone for me.. and the kids. He will do whatever it takes to keep me happy... I AM LUCKY! I think that is why i want him to TRULY enjoy this vacation... i want to see him do everything he wants to do while we are down there. Alright enough gushing.. i can't wait to share pics with you all!