Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Count Down

Ok so i am no longer going to judge when others do not blog on a daily bases.. sorry BFF. Finding the time to jump on here this past week as been next to impossible. Between work, kids, parties, and laundry i have not made time to keep you all up to date.
Well we are 3 days out from V day--- vacation day---- I am so excited yet so torn. This will be the longest i have left my kiddos. Friday night the 9th to the morning of the 18th... YIKES. I am one who has to talk to my kids daily--- so me being the freak i am and knowing i will not get to talk to them daily, recorded them talking to me on my phone. This way when i get down and start to miss them i can hear them. ( will see if that works or makes it worse) Braden and I so need this get away. He has put in some CRAZY hours in the past couple of months and the just being apart is what has been tuff on me. The rotten thing is i complain all the time about how much he is gone and really he is gone for me.. and the kids. He will do whatever it takes to keep me happy... I AM LUCKY! I think that is why i want him to TRULY enjoy this vacation... i want to see him do everything he wants to do while we are down there. Alright enough gushing.. i can't wait to share pics with you all!


  1. Ahhh now you see it is not so easy...lol
    But it's enjoyable, none-the-less, when you can find the time :)
    I envy your get away but sooo not the missing/longing for the kids *sniffle*...but it will be all good and they will be all lovey dovey when you get home. I hope you two thoroughly enjoy your vaca. I'll miss ya!

    BFF Kimmie
