Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Time is ticking...

YIKES! Where have i been, even i want to know.
This past week my mom and i took a trip up to see my VERY best friend in the whole world. (honestly- lost without her) Well she is getting married on May 2ND, and had a list of bigger projects that needed done, so off we went to "save the day". Little did we know we would have it all completed by noon on Saturday... shoot 3 girls and a few different stores == Sheer Happiness!

For this weeding i am the Matron of honor, I am having a really hard time writing this speech. Jen and I have been best friends since the 4th grade, you would think this would be an easy task. Its not, I have about 3 different speeches started... yet none say what I want them to say. Any ideas would be helpful!

This weekend I am heading to an all day spa with 2 really great friends! O how all three of us need this time way together.

Next week wedding. And then work goes into full gear! My boss has moved up to the supervisor position, and I am working my bum off to try to move into her position.. we will see.

Alright best get going... have a GREAT weekeveryone!


  1. you'll get it. Guess that means you won't be at my party or Heather's wedding either.

  2. I have never heard of a Matron of Honor at a "weeding" *wink wink* But know you will be the best one ever! Good luck with the speech about true love lasting forever and all that crap..lol..but seriously, you'll know what to write/say!

    Hope you have a great time at he spa..it'll be the last free weekend you'll see in a blue moon after you get the Supe job!!

    xoxoxox BFF
