Thursday, December 17, 2009

mixed emotions

So tomorrow is my last day with FAFS, hmm what to say. Part of me is OVERLY excited about the changes my new job will bring. The other part of me is soooo very sad to leave my current job. Don't get me wrong i know either way i would be leaving this job as it's has moved to TX and PA. Something about leaving early just feels weird. I am going to a great group, matter of fact it was my first pick for groups to belong to. My new boss and i have worked together now for 3 years off and on, so no fear there.
Really its just the sadness of leaving my friends. Wow have I made some GREAT friends.. some wonderful life long friends. There are two in particular that i can't imagine not in my everyday life. Thankfully, the one will still be in the building doing her thing...whatever that may be. But then there is Heather Hillman, the girl i met on my very first day of work. I came home that night and told my husband, i met a really nice girl, she is loud like me and seems fun. That was all i knew and all i cared to know because at that time she was moving to FL to live. I remember the day she left sooo clear, all the girls were so sad to see her leave, don't get me wrong i was sad to but no biggie as i only new her for a few weeks at the most. Then she moved back... and we became partners , "AMAZING" partners non the less. Working together obviously brought us closer, being months apart in age was a big plus, but then there was that undeniable connection that we have, that kept us close. Heather is that one girl that no matter what my day is like, she is the best part of it. Whether it be her weird comment, or silly quirks... or that smile. Even on a bad day she knows how to make it a good one, what to say and what to do.
As this new chapter starts for me, i know it will be different and tuff without my sidekick sitting next to me... I will miss you Feather!

1 comment:

  1. We are gonna miss you too...specially me! Don't be a stranger!
