Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A visit from reality..

It amazes me how fast my kids have and are growing up. Each day they can do a little bit more on their own, or are willing to try a few new things that last month seemed impossible in their eyes. I know this is supposed to be a great thing, but some how it makes me sad. Sad to know my days of having to hold their hand while they climb in to bed are numbered, sad to know they don’t need me to stand at the top of the steps while they go down in the basement to go potty. Sad to think that some day soon Lane won’t want to give me a kiss when I drop him off at friend’s house.
And yet, excited to think some day soon they will both be in T-Ball and Daddy and I can sit in the stand together to watch. Excited to think that they are making friends, just like we hoped they would do. Excited to know my lil missy is a little to much like her mommy and loves to visit, as she is willing to sit up with me an night and chit- chat. (as much as you can with a four year old). Excited to see them ride their bikes around the camp ground this summer, while I get some one on one time with Daddy..
All this was brought to my attention last Friday.. how much they are growing. I was on my way in to work when I got a phone call from Lane. He was so excited, I knew instantly what he was calling to tell me. Our call went like this:

Lane “ mom guess what just happened to me”
Mom “ What buddy”
Lane “ I lost my tooth!!! I am getting so big mommy”
Mom ( with tears in my eyes) “ you are.. so tell me how it happened”
Lane “ well I was eating my muffin and there it was laying on the bed”
Mommy—realizing he said muffin and bed… hmmmm
Mom “ well where were you?”
Lane “ in your bed eating my muffin and watching TV”
Mommy really excited now to clean that mess up because the good Lord knows it’s gonna be a good one.
Mom “ well put it in a cup and the tooth fairy will come”

We then hung up and talked later in the day as he had school so he got to have his own special show- and – tell for the class. Needless to say the tooth fairy came and left a few coins.. ( prices have gone up since I lost teeth)

This got me thinking again how old my babies are getting.. Yet they will ALWAYS be MY BABIES..

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