Monday, July 12, 2010

Our vacation..

Perfection.. That is how I would describe our weekend. Minus my bad headache Friday night, the weekend went off wonderfully!

We started off a little late on Thursday but its vacation we can do that. We got to the campground Thursday night, enjoyed a quick visit to my Uncles place then back to our camper. Put the kiddos in bed and Sue and I sat down to enjoy a visit while the kids fall asleep. That quick visit turned into an hour and a half trying to get kids to calm down enough to sleep. Poor Devon was so excited and in a new place, it took him a while to relax and fall asleep. Once we figured out the kids were sleeping the boys came in, we all sat at the kitchen table and visited, until 2 am. This might have been my favorite part of the weekend. We had sooo much fun just catching up and hearing about ‘THE COURT, the trailer court”

Friday was a slower morning, hitting the pool, having lunch and taking an afternoon boat ride to a sandbar to relax. We did not pack enough items to keep my kids busy on the sand so we didn’t stay long. Once home my headache set in and my night went down hill. Thankfully, Sue and Lisa got coolers packed – kids’ items ready and Braden got our kids to bed timely. This control freak HATES to give up control but really had no choice after the way I was feeling.

Saturday—8:30 we left for the sandbar and arrived back home around 5:15… what a WONDERFUL day. I cannot even begin to describe how great the kids behaved. First argument was around 4 and ended around 4:03.. With all 5 little ones playing together. Our day involved, a picnic, laying in the sun and standing in a LARGE circle in the water. As it was called many times that day that “circle of life” was the best part of that day. At one moment all adults were in a large circle and the kids were swimming in the middle of it.. Life does not get much better! We ended the night with cake for Jerrod and Lanes birthdays this week. Our camper had 3 tired kids in and they slept wonderful that night.

Sunday we all packed up and took off fairly early.. I am counting down the days until we are able to do it again.

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